F&B員工更表查詢 F&B Roster Check

Special Announcement

This year, HR Department cannot handle HR management of F&B department. They have pushed the roster making job to F&B Supervisors(Raymond, Johnny, Hoyee), in which the HR Department will only handle sign in and out, meaning if you have any issue with the roster, please let us (F&B Supervisors) know. We are grateful to do volunteer work in helping the HR department. May god grant us good fortune for doing such charity work.



填寫下列空格 Fill in the boxes below

員工資料 Staff info

Staff ID Full Name Alias Phone Number
未有資料 No data available.

更表 Roster

20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26Dec 27Dec 28Dec 29Dec 30Dec 31Dec 01Jan 02Jan 03Jan
未有資料 No data available.

04Jan 05Jan 06Jan 07Jan 08Jan 09Jan 10Jan 11Jan 12Jan 13Jan 14Jan 15Jan 16Jan 17Jan
未有資料 No data available.

18Jan 19Jan 20Jan 21Jan 22Jan 23Jan 24Jan 25Jan 26Jan 27Jan 28Jan 29Jan 30Jan 31Jan
未有資料 No data available.

01Feb 02Feb 03Feb 04Feb 05Feb 06Feb 07Feb 08Feb 09Feb 10Feb 11Feb 12Feb 13Feb 14Feb
未有資料 No data available.

15Feb 16Feb(Last Day)
未有資料 No data available.

有”BACKUP”代表你係嗰日既後備, 我地有機會臨時問你得唔得閒返。 如果當日有人請假就有機會搵你補上, 不過如果我地最後都無同你confirm返工時間, 代表你係唔需要返。 If there is “BACKUP” on certain time slot, it means you are going to standby on that day. There is a chance we will contact you to come to work when some staff changes their availability all of a sudden. But if you do not hear from us on the “BACKUP” day, please do not come to work.